Saturday, May 7, 2016

Trails Planted 05-04-2016

I thought I had some before pictures of our woods trails after the logging operation last fall, but I guess I don't, they were tore up and rough to say the least. After 6 hours of Bobcat work, disking, dragging, planting and rolling they are in much better shape. Thanks to brother Phil for help planting; "Game Changer Clover" (Crimson Clover, Wizzard Canola, Yuchi Arrowhead Clover, White Clover Fixation Balansa Clover) and Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass and these Fescues; Creeping Red, Firecracker, Jaguar, Screamer LS and Quest and Birdsfoot Trefoil. Now we need some rain to make them grow.

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