Friday, May 16, 2014

Below Zero

In preparation for our trip we spent the night in the 5th wheel, it was a bit chilly and the electric heater had a good workout ,I had the gas furnace set too low.

I checked the deck thermometer at 6:00 a.m. and we had 28.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Birds & Pond Renewal

 Female Rose Breasted Grosbeak
 Male Rose Breasted Grosbeak
 Pat Dixon from Dixon Shoreline & Landscaping, his helper Robert and Ken Getting the pond ready
 The pond was pumped dry, washed, repaired and refilled
 It didn't take long for the birds to find their new bathtub - Male Rose Breasted Grosbeak
The cleaned pond filling up

Monday, May 5, 2014

Flowers blooming at the Cabin & a rose breasted Grosbeak

Life is returning to the woods. We have new discoveries every day on our walks.

We have scillas blooming near the pond garden;

And daffodils are blossoming in the woods:
Other flowers are pushing up everywhere. Lily-of-the-Valley will be blossoming soon. Some of the hostas are pushing up around the pond.
It is so interesting to take a walk.

Rose Breasted Grosbeak